February 2012 Bottle School Trip

“This was an amazing experience that is too hard to put into words. The friendships that we forged will last forever. I came here to do labor and fulfill my duty of service [and now I’m] leaving with a bigger heart and a bunch of new friends.”

“This has been a [wonderful] experience for me. It has given me a new perspective to life and helping people. This trip has surpassed and slightly exceeded my expectations; working hard to build a bottle school…was a very unique and satisfying experience.”

“[my expectations] far far far [exceeded] from what I had in my head at the beginning back home. I am touched, gifted and loved forever. Just watching all the volunteers at the beginning and seeing us [come] so close together at the end [and] all the love, smiles and happiness of the people, kids [brought] to us [made me] speechless.”

“I think this trip is really valuable as a cultural exchange. I enjoyed getting to know the community and learning more about their culture. Everything from [this] Hug it Forward [trip] has been amazing. The trip ran smoothly and I don’t think it could have been any better.”

“It gave me the reminder I needed about the causes and injustice of poverty. It has given me the boost I needed to continue working for good and to move with greater speed and force than ever before. I did not expect so many excursions and certainly not with such a high level of meaningful engagement.”

“[The trip] was amazing. Just the kids…[seeing how] happy [they were] with just a ball…I loved it. It was more than I thought [it would be]. The people. The love. Its amazing. [The activity I enjoyed the most] was picking the coffee beans. I had never [done] it before. It was the best trip of my life!” – Ohana, age 8