Come on a future trip

If you are interested in going on a Bottle Schools Voluntourism Trip, but you are not sure if you can make the advertised dates, we recommend that you fill in an application form today to give you the best chance of being accepted on a future trip.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you 🙂
Apply to go on a future trip

Book a trip today

We have voluntourism trips coming up in May, June, July and August 2012!

Book today to reserve your place!

Book Now

Apply to lead a trip

Can you get a group of 10 or more people together and lead them on a bottle schools voluntourism trip?

Get in touch to lead a trip and we will work to create an itinerary tailored around your needs. This is the best way to go on a voluntourism trip! The synergy your group already shares will enhance the overall experience for you all.

Apply to lead a trip